Exhibit 99.7
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Consolidated Report of Condition of
of 48 Wall Street, New York, N.Y. 10286
And Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries,
a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business December 31,
1997, published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve Bank of
this District pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act.
Dollar Amounts
ASSETS in Thousands
Cash and balances due from depos-
itory institutions:
Noninterest-bearing balances and
currency and coin.................... $ 5,742,986
Interest-bearing balances............. 1,342,769
Held-to-maturity securities........... 1,099,736
Available-for-sale securities......... 3,882,686
Federal funds sold and Securities pur-
chased under agreements to resell..... 2,568,530
Loans and lease financing
Loans and leases, net of unearned
income ............................. 35,019,608
LESS: Allowance for loan and
lease losses ....................... 627,350
LESS: Allocated transfer risk
reserve............................. 0
Loans and leases, net of unearned
income, allowance, and reserve 34,392,258
Assets held in trading accounts......... 2,521,451
Premises and fixed assets (including
capitalized leases)................... 659,209
Other real estate owned................. 11,992
Investments in unconsolidated
subsidiaries and associated
companies............................. 226,263
Customers' liability to this bank on
acceptances outstanding............... 1,187,449
Intangible assets....................... 781,684
Other assets............................ 1,736,574
Total assets............................ $56,153,587
In domestic offices................... $27,031,362
Noninterest-bearing .................. 11,899,507
Interest-bearing ..................... 15,131,855
In foreign offices, Edge and
Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs...... 13,794,449
Noninterest-bearing .................. 590,999
Interest-bearing ..................... 13,203,450
Federal funds purchased and Securities
sold under agreements to repurchase... 2,338,881
Demand notes issued to the U.S.
Treasury.............................. 173,851
Trading liabilities..................... 1,695,216
Other borrowed money:
With remaining maturity of one year
or less............................. 1,905,330
With remaining maturity of more than
one year through three years........ 0
With remaining maturity of more than
three years......................... 25,664
Bank's liability on acceptances exe-
cuted and outstanding................. 1,195,923
Subordinated notes and debentures....... 1,012,940
Other liabilities....................... 2,018,960
Total liabilities....................... 51,192,576
Common stock............................ 1,135,284
Surplus................................. 731,319
Undivided profits and capital
reserves.............................. 3,093,726
Net unrealized holding gains
(losses) on available-for-sale
securities............................ 36,866
Cumulative foreign currency transla-
tion adjustments...................... ( 36,184)
Total equity capital.................... 4,961,011
Total liabilities and equity
capital .............................. $56,153,587
I, Robert E. Keilman, Senior Vice President and Comptroller of the above-
named bank do hereby declare that this Report of Condition has been prepared in
conformance with the instructions issued by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System and is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Robert E. Keilman
We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correctness of this Report of
Condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our
knowledge and belief has been prepared in conformance with the instructions
issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and is true and
Thomas A. Renyi ]
Alan R. Griffith ] Directors
J. Carter Bacot ]
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